Baby A vitals:
CRL=5.54 cm, measuring 12w1d
Heartbeat=150 bpm
It looks like she's praying. Yes, I have pretty much decided that Baby A is a girl, and she is on my left. She is deeper inside me, and was just arching her back and kicking her legs a little.
Baby B vitals:
CRL=5.44 cm, measuring 12w1d
Heartbeat=160 bpm
Movement=yes, bouncing!
Okay, not only is this kid a ham but he was careening across the sac like a champion trampoline jumper! You can see his face, one he looks like a monkey, the other a little devil. Yes- he. This is my boy, and he is on my right.
I realize I probably shouldn't be deciding their sex yet, but I can't help it. Won't it be cool if I turn out to be right?? No more pics till probably late June or July, when hopefully we will know one way or the other. Thanks for reading.
They look awesome. Good luck!
Posted by: EJW | June 09, 2006 at 11:17 AM