According to Cecily, it's time to come out of the digital closet. I know my loyal followers are few, but I know you're out there from my Sitemeter. Drop me a line! Or, if you don't want to comment, email me. I'm especially interested in hearing from those in my native California, and those interested or involved in donor issues.
I have some pretty sensitive posts coming in the next few months, I know I 've been saying that for awhile, but now I'm getting into the whole world of donor issues. Some really great links over there to the left, and more are coming. Some of my posts will be password-protected, so if you want to read, you should email me for access.
My first question about sperm donors is: Why do they call them donors when these guys are getting $50-100 per money shot, and it cost me $1000 for two vials, which included profiles, pictures, registration, etc.? My egg donor did not get anything but a trip to California, dinner out, and some homeade gifts. Doesn't the term donor imply that this material is free? I'm just sayin'.
Hi, delurking to say I'm from California, but living in Japan.
Posted by: isabel | January 14, 2007 at 01:16 AM
Hello, delurking to say you can add me as a link!
Posted by: broken | January 15, 2007 at 08:47 AM
delurking... and a former california resident.
Posted by: gigi | January 16, 2007 at 01:30 PM
I guess I should de-lurk as well. Eric
Posted by: Eric | January 17, 2007 at 05:37 PM
I've posted a few times, but this is an official delurk. I'm in the process of donating some eggs to a friend of mine. I'm interested to hear what you have to say about donor issues. The babies are beautiful!
Posted by: Natalie | January 18, 2007 at 10:37 AM